Here are 3 Specifics of what is covered in Palmistry

Minor Lines in Palmistry:

According to the Best Palmist in Kolkata, in addition to the major lines, there are several minor lines on the palm that can provide further insights into a person’s life.


Dermatoglyphics is the study of fingerprints and the patterns on the skin of the palm. In palmistry, specific fingerprint patterns, such as whorls, loops, and arches, are associated with certain personality traits and behavioural tendencies.

For instance, people with whorl fingerprints are believed to be more creative, while those with loop fingerprints may have a more adaptable nature.

Hand Dominance:

In palmistry, the dominant hand (usually the hand used for writing) is considered to represent the present and future, while the non-dominant hand reflects the past and inherited traits. The lines and features of each hand are compared to gain a deeper understanding of a person’s life journey and potential, according to the Best Palmist in Kolkata.

Best Palmist in Kolkata

Mounds of the Fingers:

Apart from the primary mounts of the palm, each finger also has its mound. These finger mounds provide additional insights into one’s personality and attributes related to the corresponding finger.

For example, the mound beneath the index finger (Jupiter’s finger) is associated with ambition and leadership potential, while the mound beneath the thumb (Venus’s mound) represents the capacity for love and sensuality.

Hand Texture:

In palmistry, the texture of the hand’s skin is taken into account. Soft and smooth hands are thought to indicate sensitivity and gentle nature, while rough hands suggest practicality and hard work, according to the Best Palmist in India.